Sam Owens | Photojournalist

Life viewed through a lens

Posts Tagged ‘concealed carry

Soul of Athens

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This past spring quarter I participated in Soul of Athens, an annual project that Ohio University’s School of Visual Communication hosts. Some of my friends and I decided to explore the concept of gun ownership. I was assigned to be the still photographer of the group, but got to learn a little more about video/editing. Below is the link to our project and then the link to the official SOA 2012 website. There are some very great pieces that you should take the time to look at.

A link to the video I created with some great people (which can also be seen on the main site):

A link to the official 2012 Soul of Athens website:

Here are some extra photographs that I took while hanging out with some of our subjects:

Gary George: A carpet cleaner by day, and living historian by hobby. I spent a decent amount of time at his home in Albany, Ohio, while my teammates shot video and interviewed him. His wife, Terri, and he have a beautiful patch of land with a dog, a bunch of cats and some chickens.

I also got to spend time at Morrison-Gordon Elementary School’s Pioneer Day to watch Gary perform as a living historian.

Suzan Souhrada: A 21-year-old Ohio University student majoring in math education. I got to go to the shooting range with Suzy, which was a blast. She got her concealed carry license when she turned 21, but really just enjoys going to the shooting range with friends when she can.